Ayurvedic Cleansing

Ayuvedic Cleansing

We are all becoming much more aware about the importance of gut health for optimal wellbeing, the link between a healthy gut equalling a healthy mind. As neurotransmitters “feel good hormones” are firstly formed in the gut and are sent up to the brain, and the role that leaky gut may have in poor digestion, poor immune function and inflammatory diseases. We are now consuming more fermented foods and wondering what pre and probiotics to buy to ensure we have a healthy microflora or “healthy gut bacteria” yep still weirds me out that we are more bacteria than human!

Though are we aware that our first line of digestion and immune function starts in our mouth? We have a thing called a mucosal immune system that protects the whole inner body from foreign pathogens. Right from our inner mouths, all the way down our gastrointestinal tract, respiratory tract and urogenital tract.  Just as important as healing and protecting gut from pathogens we need to treat the mouth the same, by removing built up toxins and bacteria that reside in our mouth, that can then feed into our gut and other organs.

Ancient medical practices such as Ayurveda have acknowledged the importance and link between oral health and systemic dis-ease in the body. Modern medicine is now researching and finding out that oral disease is linked to some metabolic and inflammatory diseases and some cancers. Please don’t freak out! I just want to point out the research done on the link between oral health and how it can impact other important systems within the body.

We all know that it is importance to brush, floss and rinse! How many of you have heard about tongue scrapping and oil pulling as well?

Oil pulling is done by swirling and swooshing 1 tablespoon of oil, (I use a mix of cold pressed sesame seed oil, castor oil, olive oil and a few drops of clove and peppermint essential oil). For 5-15mins first thing in the morning, then discard in lined trash can. Its best done most morning, though start off with a few days and week and work your way up. I also leave the bottle with my toothbrush so I remember to put it into my morning routine, you can replace oil pulling for your mouth wash.

Benefits of oil pulling: - Can kill harmful bacteria in the mouth that could otherwise travel to other systems in the body and cause dis-ease. Kill bacteria that can lead to bad breath, gum disease and tooth decay. Reduce inflammation and improve gum health as the oils have anti-inflammatory properties, moisturise the gums and contain antimicrobials and vitamin E. Can strength the jaw by the swirling motion of the oil in the mouth.

Tongue scrapping is done by using a small rounded U-shaped tool and scrapping it gentle from the back of your tongue to the tip, until most of the mucus has gone from your tongue. I usually do this after oil pulling, but before brushing.

Benefits of tongue scrapping:- Removes top layer of slim off the tongue (mucosa) which holds 1000’s of bacteria, that would be sitting in the mouth and feeding off food and drinks you consume, leading to a host of di-ease and tooth decay. Stimulates taste buds to enhance taste, as well as stimulating pressure points on the tongue that related to other organs in the body. Reduces bad breath by removing germs and bacteria that cause bad breath.Improves gut health and immunity by reducing the number of germs and bacteria that can transfer from the mouth to other systems of the body.

I recommend to firstly oil pull for 5-15mins, tongue scrapping till most of the mucous has disappeared from the top of the tongue, floss, and then brush to remove all the bacteria & toxins from the mouth.